Mayhem — Performance Marketing
Darkthrone (Transilvanian Hunger) — Beach & Safari Holidays
Leviathan — Dolphin Discovery
Darkthrone Transilvanian Hunger — Beach & Safari Holidays
Morbid Angel — GFI Lan Guard Network Security

METALheADS is a manifestation of screenshots taken of Black – and Death Metal videos on Youtube. The uploaded videos show band logos that got interrupted by Google Ads. This combination leads to contradictions in visuality: the high-contrast black and white illegible logos sometimes including provoking symbols in contrast to the flashy and colourful ads of a wide range of companies, varying from travel agencies,  software security or a dolphin experience. But also, extreme metal started, as many other subcultures, as anti-mainstream, and anti establishment, also escapism, based on algorithms and my music choices (direct by searching for specific bands/ songs and indirect through suggestions that can keep on playing for hours).

The medium of the band banners is based on old school self-made band banners that would have been hung at live shows. Not being a painter, my amateurish touch relates to the genres strong ultimate DIY attitude that one can find back in a big amount of one man bands.